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Today we finished the 1st day of the Jurček camp. We had an introduction lesson where we named our two goats (now they are called Rosita and Carlos). Agricultural and herbal workshops followed, and in the evening we had an entertaining evening program. 



Today we had the first two art workshops, where the children created with temperas and crayons. We also had a cooking workshop, which was very tasty. In the late afternoon, we also had a woodworking workshop, went for a walk, and in the evening we played games.




We spent the morning  in the company of Helping Paws, and the rest of the day in the company of animals on the farm. In the late afternoon we had a walk to the bajer, where we had a picnic with lanterns. In the evening, we ended by baking penicas, learning new dances and singing.



Today we had a Logout workshop on computer and phone addiction. We continued with the cooking and wood workshop, and later had a water balloon war. In the evening, the prematurely tired fell asleep like logs. 



We went on a hike in the morning and successfully completed it - we covered 8 km. After the rest, we continued with the herbal and agricultural workshop. After dinner, we partied as befits the last evening.



Today we successfully completed the 1.  this year's Jurček camp. THANK YOU everyone for your trust!



In the second term, we have 12 very lively children who immediately after the departure of their parents and guardians named the goats (this time we have Mojca in  Kekca) and got to know each other better. We continued with the agricultural and herbal workshop (we treated ourselves to a visit to the Jurček spa - the children really enjoyed it),  and in the evening we danced until we ran out of energy. 



The second day we started with exercise, and the morning  was spent in the company of Logouta,  which, like last week, was about computer and phone addiction. Later we made jam and continued with the wood workshop. In the evening, of course, we baked pies and had fun by the fire. 




What an active day  behind us. In the morning  we were visited by Helping Paws (this time as many as three therapy couples), and the rest of the day we devoted to getting to know the animals on the farm. The children enjoyed themselves immensely. This was followed by an art workshop, a walk with a LaPopsi picnic and a gathering by the fire. In between, there was also a moment of weakness, but with good will and a lot of positive energy we solve  all problems.



How can we boast today that the children walked as much as 13 km and reached the Rašiška Tower. The sweet victory was a well-deserved drink at the top hut. After lunch, we had a longer rest. In the late afternoon, we had a delicious cooking workshop and played games under the tent because of the bad weather. But when we chased away the rain in the evening, we played outside until the night's rest.



Today we had two art workshops in the morning, and in the afternoon we had a visit to the American Embassy, which was really something special. This was followed by an herbal and agricultural workshop, and in the evening a water balloon war and gathering by the fire with beer and hot dogs.



Today we successfully completed the 2nd term  of the Jurček camp. THANKS again to everyone for their trust and help!



Heading 2


Today we started the third term of the Jurček camp. The children again had introductory lessons, distributed themselves in the tents and in the afternoon continued with the herbal and agricultural workshop, and in the evening they had singing accompanied by the guitar and, of course,  the panache.



We started the morning with exercise, went for a walk to the nearby Jable castle, and later there was an art workshop. We have real future Picassos among us. After lunch, the children peppered the dessert as part of the culinary workshop, and in the woodworking workshop they painted a wooden product to take home. The evening feast by the fire was an enlivening prelude to eternal rest. The main debate in the evening is always who will be the fireman's assistant the next evening=)



Helper Paws visited us again in the morning, and we continued the day in the company of the mare Pika, the shrimps Kekca and Mojca, the chickens and, of course, the puppy Ota. Before dinner, we took a long walk, where we had a LaPopsi picnic. In the evening, we ended our day pleasantly with the sounds of the guitar and the singing of the songbirds. Just what  will bring tomorrow?=)



Our pranksters successfully completed a 13 km hike to Rašica today and were overjoyed with their success. After a long rest, in the afternoon we cooked currant jam, had an art workshop and had fun playing leisure games. In the evening, we enjoyed listening to the sounds of the guitar, roasting corn and scratching at our Anton, who helps us with a lot of activities and without him we wouldn't be able to do it.



Today we had another Logout workshop which  was absolutely fantastic. In the afternoon, we rested a little more because of the heat, and then had an herbal and agricultural workshop. In the evening, we partied as it warmed up, grilled hot dogs and corn. We're thankful it's Friday and we're all so happy because the parents are coming tomorrow =)

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Letošnji kamp smo otvorili zelo pestro saj imamo kar 18 živahnih udeležencev. Po spoznavni delavnici smo uspešno opravili poljedelsko in zeliščno delavnico, vmes jedli sladoled in večer zaključili ob ognju in peki penic. Malo pogrešamo starše, a smo se že spoprijateljili med seboj. Komaj čakamo na jutrišnji dan!


Danes smo imeli pester dan, ponovno nas je obiskal Tilen iz Logout-a. Otroci so neizmerno uživali in se naučuli marsikaj novega. Popoldan pa smo imeli likovno delavnico, se odpravili na La Popsi piknik pri bližnjem bajerju, sledil je poligon,nato pa nas je ujela nevihta in smo preganjali dolgčas z družabnimi igrami in se odpravili spat. Zelo smo bili žalostni, da nismo imeli večernega programa zaradi nevihte.



Jutro smo preživeli v družbi fantastičnih tačk pomagačk, nato pa smo imeli delavnico z domačimi živalmi. Zelo imamo radi našo ovčko Megi, kot tudi naše putke. Naša kobila ima letos žrebička in smo  jo opazovali le od  daleč. Popoldan smo imeli kratko nevihto, ki smo jo pogumno prebrodili. Ko je spet posvetil sonček, smo se igrali na igrišču, sledilo pa  je presenečenje. Odpravili smo se do bližnjega gasilskega doma, kjer smo tudi prenočili preventivno zaradi slabe napovedi vremena. Po večernem programu v gasilskem domu, smo bili zelo utrujeni in se z veseljem.

Danes zjutraj smo se odpravili na trim stezo, ki smo jo uspešno opravili.  Malico smo imeli na  Mengeški koči, nato pa je sledil odhod domov inkosilo. Po kosilu smo imeli obisk čarovnikov, otroci so bili navdušeni nad njimi. Privoščili smo si tudi SPA, oh kako smo potrebovali to crkljanje. Zvečer pa končno peka hrenovk ob lepem vremenu, družabni plesi in druženje ob ognju. Škoda je jutri že petek.. 

Današnji dan je bil fantastičen. Imeli smo zeliščno delavnico kjer smo delali ledeni čaj, sledila sta lesni in kulinarična delavnica. Veste kako dobra je naša letošnja jagodna marmelada? Popoldan smo imeli turnir v družabnih igrah, zvečer pa pekli penice in hrenovke, plesali in žurali kot se zagre za zadnji dan. Škoda, da gremo jutri že domov.



Z veseljem vam sporočamo, da smo uspešno zaključili 1.termin kampa Jurček. Zadovoljni otroci, zadovoljni starši in zadovoljni mi. Bravo in iz srca hvala vsem za zaupanje in našim donatorjem in sponzorjem  za podporo!=)



Letošnji drugi termin je res nekaj posebnega saj poteka v angleščini. Na spoznavni delavnici smo bili še malo sramežljivi, na poljedelski in zeliščni malo manj, zvečer na večernem programu pa že zelo sproščeni. O, kako je lepo biti spet med prijatelji. Tokrat imamo vse udeležence že stare znance, največ jih je tukaj že tretje leto. Res smo veseli,  ko se otroci radi vračajo nazaj v kamp Jurček.



Drugi dan angleškega kampa nas je obiskal Rok iz Logouta. Kljub deževnemu dopoldnevu smo res uživali v njegovi delavnici. Popoldan smo se odpravili na daljši sprehod, skuhali slastno marmelado, se šli igrat na igrišče in seveda, pekli penice ob večernem programu. Komaj čakamo jutrišnji dan, pa  brez dežja bi se tudi dalo preživet=)



Naša sreda je bila fantastična, opravili smo kar 10 kilometrski pohod na Mengeško kočo po trim stezi. Popoldan smo imeli likovno delavnico, po dežju pa smo se odpravili na igrišče in uživali pri večernem programu. Zvečer pa utrujeni zaspali kot klade.



Današnji dan je bil posvečen živalim. Zjutraj so nas obiskale Tačke Pomagačke, kasneje pa smo bili v družbi kobile Karle in žrebička Ričkota in treh ovčk. Najbolj nam je všeč Megi, ampak tudi druga dva sta bila zelo prijazna do nas. Na koncu pa sevede kokoške, ki so znesle kar tri jajca danes! Popoldan smo imeli še likovni delavnici na temo domačih živali, sledila je prosta igra na igrišču, zvečer pa ples in druženje ob ognju s slastnimi hrenovkami. Oh škoda, da je jutri že petek...


Naš petek je bil čudovit; zjutraj smo začeli s telovadbo, nadaljevali pa z likovno in lesno delavnico. Pocrkljali smo se s SPA jurček v sklopu zeliščne delavnice, kjer smo naredili svoj piling. Po prosti igri smo se pozabavali kot se za zadnji dan spodobi in se odpravili spat, še zadnjič.



Danes smo zaključili 7.  termin kampa Jurček. Zelo smo veseli in ponosni na naš dosežek. Hvala vsem, ki verjamete v našo zgodbo in nam pomagate pri uresničitvi našega programa. Veseli in malo tudi utrujeni (tudi Otto) vas lepo pozdravljamo. Se vidimo prihodnjič=)

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